There are so many academic skills that your child will work on during their Kindergarten year. When they enter with a background of knowledge it truly helps them be more successful throughout the year. The more they know, the more confident they are and the more capable they feel when tackling challenges. Here are a few of the highlights that they should ideally know before starting the school year. Use this as an academic checklist for kindergarten readiness skills. Stay tuned for social and emotional skills as well!


-Identify most letters (uppercase) and their sounds

-Able to identify and produce rhyming words

-Answer questions about a story and understand story sequence

-Write their first name

*Bonus: Write uppercase letters not in their name, identify lowercase letters


-Identify and extend patterns

-Able to sort items by attribute

-Count to 10 aloud

-Count up to 10 objects

-Identify numbers to 10

*Bonus: write numbers to 10, count to 20 (or higher!)

Fine Motor:
-Able to hold a pencil correctly

-Able to cut and use glue


Kindergarten Readiness Checklist: Social and Emotional Skills


What is Kindergarten Readiness?