How independent is your child?

An essential kindergarten readiness skill is independence. Can your child...

-Take off and put on their own jacket/sweatshirt?
-Take off and put on their shoes?
-Open up their lunch containers, snack bags, etc?
-Go to the bathroom by themselves?
-Unpack and pack up their backpack?

If your preschool/kindergarten age child is missing these skills, start practicing now! It’s always easier to do it for them, but you’re doing them a disservice by not letting them practice. And when you do things for them that they can do themselves, you’re sending the message that you don’t think they’re capable.

Try fostering more independence in your child and you will inevitably make your lives (and teachers’ lives) much easier while creating a self reliant little human! Win-win-win!


Boundaries help children feel safe.


Let’s talk transitions!