Back to School Tips
Here are some tips to make the transition back to school easier!
Set a bedtime routine and have your child go to bed at the same time each night. Make sure they get plenty of sleep!
Leave plenty of time to get ready in the morning. If your child feels rushed and has a bad start to their morning, it will reflect in the school day
Establish a backpack routine!
Get your child used to packing their backpack and unpacking it each night. Help them with a checklist such as water bottle, homework folder, lunch, etc. (use pictures if they aren't reading) so they can be self sufficient!
Make sure your child knows the pickup plan for the end of the day!
Are they taking the bus?
Staying after school?
Getting picked up by grandma?
Make sure you discuss it with them and tell their teacher if there's a change.
Make sure your child can go to the bathroom by themselves, dress themselves, open lunch containers, etc. And if they don't know how, practice!!
Last but not least...
Do not, under any circumstances, send your child with laced shoes unless they can tie them on their own!!
If only I had a dollar for every shoe I tied in kindergarten....